I have been in Taiwan for four days, going on forty. As I near my fifth day here, I feel like I might finally be catching my breath. My flight over was great, mostly because EVA takes good care of you, and I slept from SEA to Japan, which only left four hours of actually flying time. Of those four hours, I watched Fast Five and episodes of the Mentalists. Ah, you gotta love the 21
st Century.
Upon arrival, my aunt Joline picked me up, and I had my ceremonial first meal in Taiwan, which was McDonalds of course. After that, I had a full day to settle in, most of which I spent trying not to fall asleep, and aimlessly walking around the streets of Sanchong. On Saturday, my second day, my cousin Pablo picked me up for a weekend trip (no rest for the wicked, I suppose). We headed south to Central Taiwan (Puli, to be exat) to meet up with nine of his classmates and spend time taking pictures, and taking pictures, and um… taking pictures. We also got to see the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, in addition to going to a pretty cool amusement park tattooed with One Piece (Japanese comic) paraphernalia. I’m posting pictures, so you can see more of my amusement park experience, in addition to my new friends that I met.
After a late arrival Sunday night back at my new home in Sanchong, I got a night of sleep and headed to my first interview, which went well…. I think. After the 1.5-hour written exam and 3-hour wait to get my one-on-one, we will see how it goes. I have an interview tomorrow and Wednesday at Buxibans (cram schools), so I’ll let you all know how those go as well!
I have been able to hit the streets a little, and got a small taste of the night markets. My next week will be spent job hunting, in addition to figuring out the public transit here in Taiwan. I have had a good vibe since getting off the plane, and I hope to keep that rolling. I’m posting these pics, and then I’m hitting the sack. As I said above, I’ll provide more detail when I’m feeling awake enough to do so.
Street view taken on my first day while out exploring |
A little delicious street treasure |
My new bedroom (with AC, woot woot) |
Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan |
Taking pictures with my new Taiwanese brother, the Professor |
Boooooofay, Taiwanese style (our group of 11 stayed here for prob 3 hrs) |
Dominating a ride at the night market in Puli |
Loud new Taiwanese friends playing cards, cold Taiwanese beer, and some delicious fruit. 1 night in Puli = success |
This is a toilet, not a sideways picture of a urinal, hahaha. |
Beef Noodle Soup for $85 NT (Less than $3US)
Meat! and other various things....
The crew and I dominating a freefall ride at the amusement park. I think I cried on this one...
Some of us after being dominated by a "Splash" ride |
A nice way to close out my first weekend in Taiwan! |
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